
Saturday, 20 October 2012

ISM-E-AZAM of Muhammad

ISM-E-AZAM of Muhammad


This mystery is also solved by AMAM AHL-E-SUNNAT. His highness answered to a questionnaire, “sir, Allah blessed me a nephew; please give me an historical name for him. ALAHAZRAT replied, “why a historical name, give him the name which is recommended in SHARIA. How many boys I am my brother have, we gave them the name Muhammad.” This is another thing that these names become historical. HAMID RAZA KHAN was born in 92 and his name was Muhammad. His name’s numbers are also 92. Saying such kinds of name (as HAMIR RAZA’s) will give you the benefits of ISM-E-AZAM. With an historical name it becomes more worthy, i.e. if someone born in 1429h, then the great names shall be recites 2658 times, and if the name is Muhammad then 184 times. Both have some difference. HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (PBUH) said, “if someone give his child my name AHMAD or MUHAMMAD with my respect, then Allah will forgives him and his father.” In another hadees it is said that angles came to visit to the home in which a baby born with the name of Muhammad or Ahmad. In another Rawayah, the consultations in which a person with the name of Muhammad or Ahmad is present, Allah will bless that consolation. In which home, two or more person with the name of Muhammad lives, nobody can harm them.

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