
Saturday, 20 October 2012

Aquarius Horoscope 2012

Aquarius  Horoscope 2012

Your ruling planet Saturn will stay in 9th house of your birth chart, it will aid you in attaining higher education. Your co-ruling Saturn’s stay in 3rd house of your birth chart from 1st to 13th July will help you to avail the cooperative air created by your family and friends. Retrograde movements of Saturn from 14th-31st July will put enormous stress on you, so be careful while travelling and using bad words.
Jupiter with Venus in 5th house of your birth chart will bring pleasure in romantic life and the acquisition of unexpected benefits is also possible. On 4th and 25th July, established Mercury-Uranus trine will impart positivity but avoid unnecessary explanation of remarks. On 5th-6th July, under the influence of Venus-Uranus sextile, your creative abilities would shine and make you enable to share your thoughts with sincere people. On 15th-16th July due to Sun-Saturn square, difficulties will stress you.
From 19th-20th July Mars-Uranus opposition will cause difficulty in acquiring expected desires. On the other hand, prior planning will be helpful. On 22nd-23rd July Jupiter-Venus sextile will invite a sudden positive change coupled with productive chances. On 30th-31st July Sun-Uranus trine will cause depth in understanding. On 30th-31st July Venus-Saturn trine will produce sense of integrity and responsibility to enhance your passion for earning respect. Fortunately, some important business deals will be approved.

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