
Thursday, 11 October 2012

Allahs 99 Most Beautiful Names for Mobiles

Read, search, memorize and listen to the 99 Most Beautiful Names of Allah (swt) now on your Mobile Phones for FREE. Comes with an authentic and complete set of relevant Quranic verses for each Name. Get it now for Java-enabled phones, Smartphones, Pocket PCs, Blackberry devices and Symbian OS.
Allahs 99 Names for Mobiles


Quranic References
Most of us are not aware of how and where these 99 well-known Names originate from. It is our Prophet (saw)'s saying that there are 99 Names of Allah, 100 minus 1 ([035:6475]). The Names originate from both the Qur'an and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (saw). This software comes with a authentic list of relevant verses that are associated with each name. Note that it does not give references from the Hadith for Names that have no relevant verse associated to it in the Qur'an.
Famous Asma-ul-Husna Audio
A stream-lined version of the Asma-ul-Husna song comes bundled with the software. Note that it may not work on un-supported mobiles but should play on most mobiles (this includes recent Blackberry models such as 8800 and Blackberry Pearl).
Search in Arabic & English
This software does not require any arabic support. It works on all mobiles irrespectively. The software comes with a fast-searching Arabic and English search engine with an on-screen virtual keyboard for Arabic searching.
Zoom-in and out of the English/translated text with ease.
Translation switching on/off
Do you prefer reading only the Arabic? Or perhaps only the English translations of the verses? Switch Arabic on/off or English translations at will.
Name Shortcuts
Jump to a particular Name directly from the list by using the 'Jump to Name' feature.
Unique Display
Efforts were put into designing the layout, just enough to give you the ability to read the Quranic verses with ease, along with the rest of the information that comes with a single Name (such as it's English Meaning and so on). This design accomodates all screen sizes.

Allah's 99 Names Download files for Java Enabled Mobile Phones (Nokia/Motorola/Sony Ericsson/Symbian OS)
Program Name
File Size
Allah's 99 Names in Arabic & English
270 KB
Installation Guide for the Mobile Phone softwares (Quran, Prayer Times, Hadith etc)
  • System Requirements
  • Installing on a Java enabled Phone (Nokia, Motorola, Sony, LG, Samsung etc)
  • Installing on a Pocket PC
  • Installing on Palm OS (Treo, Lifedrive, Tungsten etc)
  • Installing on Blackberry OS 3.8+

1. System Requirements:

A Java-enabled phone that supports:
  • MIDP 2.0
  • Phone that supports JAR (Java Archive) files of size 800 KB or more.
  • Screen width of 128 pixels or more (135 pixels recommended)
2. Installing on a Java enabled phone.
- There are SPECIAL Instructions for Motorola, Sony Ericsson, LG and Samsung phones. Please read below!
* Installing on a Nokia Phone (special instructions for Series 60 (e.g Nokia N80) are given below)
  1. All Java-enabled Nokia phones come with a software called "Nokia PC Suite". You will need this installed on your computer in order to install the software. If you already don't have this software, please download it for free from:
  2. Make sure you have your Nokia Data Cable ready (The USB cable that came with it)
  3. Unzip the ZIP file that you just downloaded (e.g. for on your PC. Windows XP already allows you to unzip files by right clicking on them and selecting "Uncompress". If you don't already have an uncompressing software, please download WinZip for free from This will allow you to uncompress the ZIP file.
  4. From the uncompressed folder list, browse into the CLDC 1.0 directory
  5. In the directory you will find two files, a .JAD file and a .JAR file. On the .JAR file you will notice a Nokia icon against the name of the file (provided that you have installed the Nokia PC Suite software). Simply double click on this file and click on 'Yes' when it asks you if you want to install this file. From here on, keep following the prompts that you get on your mobile screen till the software is installed. If your phone complains that the software is untrusted, simply click 'Yes' when it asks you to confirm that you'd like to proceed with installation.
Important Note: By default, most new mobiles (like Nokia E61/E61i/N95) come with strict installation rules to disallow un-certified softwares. Since these softwares do not contain a certificate (so that they may run on all mobiles as most mobiles will refuse certain certificate authorities), you need to lower the security level on your mobile. To do this on most Nokia models, you need to follow these steps:

1. Go to Tools->App. mgr.->Options->Settings
2. There you need to set Software installation to 'All'.
3. Save and try installing the software again, this time it should work
Installing it on a Series 60 phone such as Nokia N80

  1. If you have a N80, following the above given instructions will not yeild anything. Please follow the instructions given in this section.
  2. You will still need to unzip the file and will need to arrange the USB data cable for your phone (see above for unzipping instructions). Please also make sure the memory card that came with the phone has been inserted into the phone.
  3. First ensure that your mobile is setup to accept 'Data Transfer Mode' rather than Nokia PC Suite mode. To do this, click on the 'Nokia Menu' button on the front of the phone and then browse into 'Connectivity' from the given list. Then click on 'Data Cable' at the top of the list. Click on 'Options' and then 'Change'. From the list, select 'Ask on connection'. Now click 'OK' when done.
  4. Next, connect the USB cable to the PC and then to your Phone. Your phone will prompt you to select the connection mode. Choose 'Data Transfer' and click 'OK'.
  5. Now from your PC's desktop, double click on 'My Computer' and then on 'D:' (the dive letter could be different for different computers, basically this is the phone card that is present in your phone)
  6. Now once you have the drive folder opened, you will see a list of folders there, such as 'Data', 'Images', 'Videos' etc. The one we're interested in is 'Data'. Double click on 'Data'. In this folder you should find a 'j2me' folder. If it's not there, create one. Double click on this folder to open it.
  7. Now we need to copy the installation file to this folder. From the unzipped folders that you downloaded, browse into the CLDC1.0 folder. There you will find two files with the same names, but different extensions (i.e. one will be a .JAR file and one will be a .JAD file). Copy the .JAR file (e.g. QuranReaderArabicMK.jar) to the 'j2me' folder that we just opened. Once you have copied the file to the folder, you can safely remove the USB cable at this point as we will now be installing the file from the phone in the next step.
  8. From the front panel of the phone, press the 'Nokie Menu' button. Goto the 'Tools' directory on from the list that is shown and select 'File Manager'
  9. Make sure you are viewing the Phone directory list by pressing the 'right arrow' key once. You will see the same list of folders that you saw from within your PC. Now select the 'Data' directory. From within the directory, select the 'j2me' directory. You will now see the file on the next screen that you had copied from your PC to your mobile. Click on 'Options' and select 'Open'. From this point keep pressing 'Continue/Okay/Yes' and the file will be installed. After it has been installed, it should appear under 'My Files' from the Menu list.
* Installing on a Motorola Phone
  1. Some Motorolas Only install Over The Air, so you will need to use WAP ( to install, you may try the following as well.
  2. You will need a memory card installed in your phone
  3. Insert storage memory in the phone (if it is not already in.)
  4. Using USB cable, connect phone to PC.
  5. Double click on My Computer and open the newly mounted mobile drive
  6. You will see a "mobile" directory. Open it and there you will see a "kjava" folder (create one if one does not already exist).
  7. Copy jar file into the mobile's "kjava" folder
  8. After copying successfully, disconnect the mobile from PC.
  9. In the phone select Games & Apps from menu.
  10. Scroll down to the bottom and select "Memory Card"
  11. Select option [Install New] on the memory card screen
  12. Select PrayerTimes from list and install it.
* Installing on a Sony Ericsson (Especially a P910i/P990i)
  1. Obtain the latest copies of the softwares from the website
  2. Install the PC Suite that comes with P910i (you can download it for free from the sony ericsson website)
  3. Connect mobile with PC using Cradle
  4. Use the "Install Software" option from Start->Programs->Sony Ericsson->P910i
  5. It will ask for a *.SIS, *.JAD and *.JAR file. Make it point to the QuranReaderArabicMK.jar file and click Next
  6. It should now copy the file over to your mobile and install it successfully.
* Installing on a LG (e.g. LG KG800 Chocolate)
  1. Obtain the latest copies of the softwares from the website
  2. Install the LG PC Sync software that came with your phone. This software can be downloaded from the LG website if you don't have one at hand.
  3. Installing on your LG will require a number of steps to be followed correctly. A very good guide is present in the following link, please refer to the instructions given here in order to install these softwares:
  4. You may also try installing it via your mobile's browser instead by pointing it to:
* Installing on a Samsung Phones
  1. Note that not all Samsung phones support these softwares. Some have internal JAR limit. Moreover, most Samsungs will ONLY install softwares over WAP. You can download it via WAP by pointing your samsung mobile browser to:
* Installing on other Java-enabled Phone
  1. Unzip the ZIP file. Use WinZip ( to unzip the file.
  2. Ensure you have a Data-Cable or Bluetooth or Infra-red (along with its software) for transferring the file from your PC to your Mobile
  3. Choose the right CLDC version (there should be a CLDC 1.0 and a 1.1 directory). Your phone will work with only one of the two. Try CLDC 1.0 first, if that doesn't work, try 1.1.
  4. Browse into a chosen CLDC directory and transfer the .JAR file from the directory on your PC to your Mobile (e.g. transfer CLDC1.0\PrayerTimes.jar to your mobile). For this step, you will need a data cable that came with your phone, a cradle or bluetooth. Please consult your phone's manual for further details on how to transfer files from your PC to your mobile.
  5. Once the file has been transferred to your mobile (you can transfer it to a storage card or main memory), open the transferred file from your mobile to begin installation
3.Installing on a Pocket PC
  1. Pocket PCs normally come with a "MIDlet Manager". Please check if you have a "MIDlet Manager" installed under 'Programs' on your Pocket PC. If you don't, you will need to dowload it and install it before copying the JAR files to your device. A MIDlet Manager is what enables Java programs on Pocket PCs. Click on the link below to download the zipped MIDlet Manager: Download it from here
  2. Installation Procedure: Simply unzip the above file, copy the CAB file to your Pocket PC and tap it from there. This will install the MIDlet Manager on your device.
  3. Reset your device
  4. Now copy the JAR files from your PC to your Pocket PC and tap the files from there. This should start the installation procedure. If it doesn't, then your mobile unfortunately does not support Prayer Times.
4. Installing on Palm OS
  1. Make sure you have the (FREE) JVM software installed on your Palm before hand. This can be retreived from Palm's official website or can be downloaded from here directly.
  2. Open the Palm Desktop software on your PC and connect your Palm device to the PC using a USB cable
  3. Select "Quick Install" from Palm Desktop and drag the PRC files to the quick install window
  4. Press the HotSync button on your Palm USB cable
5. Installing on Blackberry OS 3.8+
  1. Unzip the downloaded ZIP file. Use WinZip ( to unzip the file.
  2. Open BlackBerry Desktop Manager and use a USB cable to load the .ALX file using the Desktop Manager

Copyright © 2012-2013 URDU HOROSCOPE. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it to whom you like but may NOT modify it in any way.This program is developed and distributed to please Allah (swt) and to help our brothers and sisters in Islam. However, this distribution is WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

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