
Saturday, 28 July 2012

2012 Taurus Horoscope | 2012 Taurus Urdu Astrology

The Taurus is represented by the Bull which shows calmness but power. The Taurus people are very patient but determined and love to feel secure. However, if taunted, they can be very aggressive and inflexible. Given here is the complete Taurus Horoscope for the year 2012 in Urdu that discusses in detail month by month what should be taken care of. Ruled by the planet Venus, the people with this star will have a wonderful 2012 with slight pits and falls but that is also manageable if taken care of properly. Taurus men and women will need to trust less people compared to the previous year and rely mainly on their own capabilities for better prospects. However, many things and people will tempt the feelings towards attraction but be careful. Discuss with a close family member, most probably with a Capricorn for better decisions.

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